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A girl and two boys looking at a basket of fruit.

ቅጣት Punishment Punition

Written by Adelheid Marie Bwire

Illustrated by Melany Pietersen

Translated by Dawit Girma

Read by Abenezer Chane

Language Amharic

Level Level 2

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A woman carrying a basket of fruit on her head and three children watching her from a house.

አንድ ቀን እናቴ በጣም ብዙ ፍራፍሬዎች አመጣች።

One day, mama got a lot of fruit.

Un jour, Maman a ramassé beaucoup de fruits.

A girl and two boys looking at a basket of fruit.

መቼ ነው ታዲያ ከፍራፍሬው የምትሰጭን? ብለን ጠየቅን። ‹‹ፍራፍሬውን ማታ እንበላዋለን።›› አለች እማ።

“When can we have some fruit?” we ask. “We will have the fruit tonight,” says mama.

Nous lui demandons : « Pouvons-nous manger des fruits ? » Maman répond : « Nous les mangerons ce soir. »

A boy eating lots of fruit.

ወንድሜ ራሂም ስግብግብ ነው። ከሁሉም ፍራፍሬ ቀመሰ። አብዛኛውንም እሱ በላው።

My brother Rahim is greedy. He tastes all the fruit. He eats a lot of it.

Mon frère Rahim est glouton. Il goûte tous les fruits. Il en mange beaucoup.

A sad-looking boy and girl looking at a half-eaten fruit basket.

‹‹እዩ እዩ ራሂም ምን እንዳደረገ!›› ታናሹ ወንድሜ ጮኸ። ‹‹ራሂም ክፉ እና ራስ ወዳድ ነው›› አልኩ እኔ።

“Look at what Rahim did!” shouts my little brother. “Rahim is naughty and selfish,” I say.

« Regarde ce qu’a fait Rahim ! », crie mon petit frère. Et moi, je dis : « Rahim est méchant et égoïste. »

An angry-looking woman standing in front of a half-eaten fruit basket.

እናታችን በራሂም ድርጊት ተናደደች።

Mother is angry with Rahim.

Maman est fâchée contre Rahim.

An angry-looking boy and girl glaring at another boy.

እኛም በራሂም ተናደንበታል። ነገር ግን ራሂም ምንም አልመሰለውም።

We are also angry with Rahim. But Rahim is not sorry.

Nous aussi, nous sommes fâchés contre Rahim. Mais Rahim ne regrette rien.

A woman sitting on a chair knitting and a boy talking to her.

‹‹ራሂምን አትቀጭውም?›› ሲል ትንሹ ወንድሜ ጠየቀ።

“Aren’t you going to punish Rahim?” asks little brother.

« Tu ne vas pas punir Rahim ? », demande Petit Frère.

A woman, boy and girl talking to a boy standing in front of them.

‹‹ራሂም፣ ቶሎ ብለህ ይቅርታ ጠይቅ›› እናታችን አስጠነቀቀችው።

“Rahim, soon you will be sorry,” warns mama.

« Rahim », prévient maman, « tu le regretteras bientôt. »

An ill-looking boy.

ራሂምም ወዲያው ይታመም ጀመር።

Rahim starts to feel sick.

Rahim ne se sent pas bien.

An ill-looking boy holding his tummy standing in front of a woman.

‹‹ሆዴን በጣም አመመኝ›› በማለት ራሂም አልጎመጎመ።

“My tummy is so sore,” whispers Rahim.

Il gémit: « J’ai mal au ventre ! »

An ill-looking boy holding his tummy and covering his mouth leaving a room.

እናታችን ይህ ሊከሰት እንደሚችል ታውቅ ነበር። ፍራፍሬው ራሂምን እየቀጣው ነው።

Mama knew this would happen. The fruit is punishing Rahim!

Maman savait que cela arriverait. Ce sont les fruits qui punissent Rahim !

A woman, a boy and a girl putting their arms around another boy.

በኋላም ራሂም ይቅርታ ጠየቀን። ‹‹ከእንግዲህ ዳግመኛ ስግብግብ አልሆንም›› በማለት ቃል ገባ። ሁላችንም አመንነው።

Later, Rahim says sorry to us. “I will never be so greedy again,” he promises. And we all believe him.

Plus tard, Rahim vient s’excuser et promet : « Je ne serai plus jamais aussi glouton. » Et nous, nous le croyons.

Written by: Adelheid Marie Bwire
Illustrated by: Melany Pietersen
Translated by: Dawit Girma
Read by: Abenezer Chane
Language: Amharic
Level: Level 2
Source: Punishment from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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