Storybooks Canada


Storybooks Canada is fundamentally an open source project, and all of our content is open licensed and free to reuse, adapt, and share in the spirit of the original African Storybook source stories. Everything can be downloaded and reused — audio, images, source text, pdfs (in a variety of formats) — even the source code of this website is freely available under a free license. Below you will find a comprehensive list of links to help make it easier to find, download, and repurpose this content.

If you're not sure how you can repurpose the material below, take a look at the Reuse section below for some inspiration. There are already many projects reusing this data — as intended!

Source text

The text of all of the stories is available in our GitHub repository. This repo combines translations from a number of sources in one location.

Translations into non-African languages have been sourced from the Global African Storybook Project, and you can find all of the raw text files of the translations in the main global-asp repository. There are also separate repositories for the original African language translations, new African language translations, alternate orthographies, translations into Indigenous Mexican languages, and so on.

Below is a list of these source repositories which may be useful if you intend to reuse this content:


You can download all of the artwork on this site from our main image repository. The images are released under the same Creative Commons licenses as the original stories.

Many of the original images from the African Storybook have been colourized, de-colourized, or otherwise adapted for use in this project. All of this newly adapted artwork is available in the imagebank-new repository.

If you are looking for images, the Global African Storybook Project has built the ASP Imagebank Explorer which allows you to quickly and easily search for open licensed images using keywords in 20+ languages.


Apart from the complete language audio packages (see the Downloads section below), you can also browse the complete collection of audio files (both full stories and individual chapter sections) online in our audio repository.

Website code

This website is based on a purpose-built design framework for multilingual literacy sites called Nairobi CSS. If you would like to create your own version of this site with different languages, stories, or images, you can download the source code for Nairobi CSS from the Github repository and customize it to suit your needs.

If you would like to mirror this website (or any of the websites on the Global Storybooks Portal) on your own server, you can find the complete source code ready to use in the repos under our Github organization.


All of the audio, images, PDFs on this website can be downloaded from our Downloads page. Most of these have been packaged together by language for convenience, so you can download all the PDFs or audio for a single language at a time, or all languages together.


This site itself is a repurposing of the stories and images from the African Storybook via the Global African Storybook Project. Below are some more examples of creative reuse to inspire you:

Have you made an adaptation of the content on this site that you would like to share? Let us know and we'll add it here!