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A woman with a donkey tied to her back.

Ilmo dameer ah Donkey Child L'enfant-âne

Written by Lindiwe Matshikiza

Illustrated by Meghan Judge

Translated by Anwar Mohamed Dirie

Read by Ibrahim Ahmed

Language Somali

Level Level 3

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A girl standing on a rock looking at woman in the distance.

Gabar yar ayaa aragtay muuqaal aan la garaneyn oo masaafo ka muuqdo.

It was a little girl who first saw the mysterious shape in the distance.

Une petite fille fut la première à voir la forme mystérieuse au loin.

A girl standing on a rock and a pregnant woman kneeling down holding her tummy.

Markii uu muuqaalki soo dhowaaday, waxa ay aragtay in ay tahay haweeney xaamilo culus ah.

As the shape moved closer, she saw that it was a heavily pregnant woman.

Tandis que la forme se rapprocha, la petite fille vit que c’était une femme enceinte de plusieurs mois.

A pregnant woman surrounded by women hugging her.

Xishood laakiin geesi nimo, gabadhii waxa ay ku sii dhowaatay haweeneydii. “Waa in ay nala joogtaa,” ayay gabadha dadkeedii go’aansadeen. “Iyada iyo ilmaheedaba waa aannu nabad gelinaynaa.”

Shy but brave, the little girl moved nearer to the woman. “We must keep her with us,” the little girl’s people decided. “We’ll keep her and her child safe.”

Timide mais brave, la petite fille se rapprocha de la femme. « Nous devons la garder avec nous, » dit le peuple de la petite fille. « Nous la garderons en sécurité, ainsi que son enfant. »

A woman in labour and other women helping her and bringing her water and blankets.

Ilmaha ayaa soo dhakhso ba wadada soo galay. “Riix!” “Bustayaal la kaalaya!” “Biyo!” “Riiiixxxxxx!!!”

The child was soon on its way. “Push!” “Bring blankets!” “Water!” “Puuuuussssshhh!!!”

L’enfant arriva bientôt. « Pousse ! » « Apportez des couvertures ! » « De l’eau ! » « Pouuusseeee ! »

A baby donkey.

Laakiin markii ay ilmihii arkeen, qof walba gadaal ayuu argagax ugu booday. “Dameer?!”

But when they saw the baby, everyone jumped back in shock. “A donkey?!”

Mais quand ils virent le bébé, tous firent un saut en arrière. « Un âne ?! »

A group of women arguing.

Qof waliba muran ayuu bilaabay. “Waxa aynnu ballan qaadnay in aan ilmaha iyo hooyadaba nabad gelyo siinno, waana in aan sidaas yeelnaa,” qaar baa sidaa yiri. “Laakiin waxa ay noo horseedi doonaan nasiib darro!” qaar kale ayaa sidaa iyana yiri.

Everyone began to argue. “We said we would keep mother and child safe, and that’s what we’ll do,” said some. “But they will bring us bad luck!” said others.

Tout le monde commença à se disputer. « Nous avions dit que nous garderions mère et enfant en sécurité et c’est ce que nous ferons, » dirent quelques-uns. « Mais ils vont nous porter malchance ! » dirent d’autres.

A woman holding a donkey in her arms.

Sidaa darteed haweeneydii way cidlowday mar kale. Waxa ay ka la yaabaneyd wixii ay ku sameyn lahayd ilmahan qaabka daran. Waxa kale oo ay ka la yaabaneyd wixii ay iyaduna isku sameyn lahayd.

And so the woman found herself alone again. She wondered what to do with this awkward child. She wondered what to do with herself.

Ainsi, la femme se retrouva seule encore une fois. Elle se demanda quoi faire de cet enfant embarrassant. Elle se demanda quoi faire d’elle-même.

A woman hugging a donkey.

Aakhirkii waxa ay isku qancisay in ay aqbasho in uu ilmaheedii yahay, iyaduna ay hooyadiis tahay.

But finally she had to accept that he was her child and she was his mother.

Mais elle dut finalement accepter qu’il était son enfant et qu’elle était sa mère.

A woman with a donkey tied to her back.

Hada, hadii uu dameerka ku joogi lahaa sidiisi,bar yaraanta,wax walbo waxaan ahaan lahaayeen si ka duwan sidan. Laakiin ilmihii dameerka ahaa wuu koray oo koray ilaa uu la ekaan waayay dhabarkii hooyadii. Si kasta oo uu isku deyay na, waa uu u dhaqmi waayey sidii dadkii oo kale. Hooyadii aad bay u daashay oo waa ay isku buuqday. Marmar waxa ay isku dayday in uu sida xayawaanka u shaqeeyo.

Now, if the child had stayed that same, small size, everything might have been different. But the donkey child grew and grew until he could no longer fit on his mother’s back. And no matter how hard he tried, he could not behave like a human being. His mother was often tired and frustrated. Sometimes she made him do work meant for animals.

Maintenant, si l’enfant était resté petit, tout aurait été différent. Mais l’enfant-âne grandit et grandit jusqu’à ce qu’il ne puisse plus être porté sur le dos de sa mère. Et malgré ses plus grands efforts, il ne pouvait pas se comporter comme un être humain. Sa mère était très souvent fatiguée et frustrée. Parfois elle l’obligeait à faire du travail destiné aux animaux.

A donkey kicking a woman.

Jahawareer iyo carro ayaa iskugu darsantay dameerkii. Sidan ma yeeli karo sidaana ma yeeli karo. Sidan ma noqon karo sidaana ma noqon karo. Mar uu aad u xanaaqay, ayaa uu maalin hooyadii laad ku kiciyey oo dhulka ku tuuray.

Confusion and anger built up inside Donkey. He couldn’t do this and he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t be like this and he couldn’t be like that. He became so angry that, one day, he kicked his mother to the ground.

La confusion et la colère s’accumulèrent à l’intérieur d’Âne. Il ne pouvait pas faire ceci et il ne pouvait pas faire cela. Il ne pouvait pas être comme ceci et il ne pouvait pas être comme cela. Il devint tellement fâché qu’un jour il botta sa mère par terre.

A donkey running away.

Dameerkii ceeb ayuu dareemay. Waxa aanu bilaabay in uu aad u ordo oo uu u cararo meel fog.

Donkey was filled with shame. He started to run away as far and fast as he could.

Âne fut rempli de honte. Il commença à se sauver aussi vite et aussi loin qu’il pu.

A donkey sleeping.

Waqtigii uu joojiyay orodkii, habeen bay ahayd, Dameerkiina waa uu lumay. “Haa’i Aaa?” ayuu mugdigi uga dhex gunuunacay. “Haa’i Aaa?” ayuu mugdiga ka daba dhahay. Waaxuu ahaa mid cidloobay. Intuu isku duuduubay sidii kubad adag, ayuu la dhacay hurdo dheer oo dhiban.

By the time he stopped running, it was night, and Donkey was lost. “Hee haw?” he whispered to the darkness. “Hee Haw?” it echoed back. He was alone. Curling himself into a tight ball, he fell into a deep and troubled sleep.

Quand il s’arrêta de courir, la nuit était tombée et Âne était perdu. « Hi han ? » il chuchota à la noirceur. « Hi han ? » retourna la noirceur en écho. Il était seul. Se lovant en petite boule, il tomba dans un sommeil profond et agité.

A man dressed in a fur coat staring down at a donkey.

Dameerkii waxa uu toosay isaga oo oday la yaab leh hoos usoo eeegayo. Indhihi odayga ayuu eegay waxuu na billaabay inyar oo rajo ah in uu dareemo.

Donkey woke up to find a strange old man staring down at him. He looked into the old man’s eyes and started to feel a twinkle of hope.

Âne se réveilla et vit un vieil homme étrange qui le regardait. Il regarda dans les yeux du vieil homme et commença à ressentir un brin d’espoir.

A man carrying a donkey.

Dameerkii waxa uu raacay si uu ula joogo odagii, kaas oo baray qaabab kala duwan oo ah sida loo noolaado. Dameerkii waxa uu noqday mid wax dhageystay oo na wax bartay, sidoo kale ayuu sameeyay odaygana. Waa ay is caawiyeen, waa ayna wada qosleen si wada jir ah.

Donkey went to stay with the old man, who taught him many different ways to survive. Donkey listened and learned, and so did the old man. They helped each other, and they laughed together.

Âne partit vivre avec le vieil homme, qui lui montra plusieurs façons de survivre. Âne écouta et apprit, et le vieil homme aussi. Ils s’aidèrent l’un l’autre et ils rirent ensemble.

A man sitting on a donkey walking up a mountain.

Subax subaxyada ka mid ah, ayaa uu odagii weyddiistay Dameerkii in uu u qaado buur dhaladeed.

One morning, the old man asked Donkey to carry him to the top of a mountain.

Un matin, le vieil homme demanda à Âne de le transporter jusqu’au sommet d’une montagne.

A donkey and a man sleeping on the top of a mountain surrounded by clouds. The donkey dreaming of a woman.

Meeel kore oo daruuraha ka mid ah ayey hurdo kula dul dhaceen. Dameerkii waxa uu ku riyooday hooyadiis oo xanuunsanaysa oo isaga u yeeraysa. Markii uu toosay na…

High up amongst the clouds they fell asleep. Donkey dreamed that his mother was sick and calling to him. And when he woke up…

En haut, parmi les nuages, ils s’endormirent. Âne rêva que sa mère était malade et qu’elle l’appelait. Et quand il se réveilla…

A donkey sitting on the top of a mountain with the sun shining on him.

… daruurihii ayaa la libdhay asaga iyo saaxiibkiis ba, odayga duqa ahaa.

… the clouds had disappeared along with his friend, the old man.

… les nuages avaient disparu avec son ami le vieil homme.

A donkey running.

Ugu dambeyntii dameerkii waa uu ogaaday waxa in la sameeyo ah.

Donkey finally knew what to do.

Âne sut finalement quoi faire.

A sad-looking woman standing amongst some trees and a donkey looking at her.

Dameerkii waxa uu helay hooyadii, oo cidlootay una barooranaysa ilmaheedii lumay. Muddo dheer ayay is eegteen midba midka kale. Dabadeedna ihabisi siiyeen waliba si adag.

Donkey found his mother, alone and mourning her lost child. They stared at each other for a long time. And then hugged each other very hard.

Âne trouva sa mère, seule et en deuil pour son enfant perdu. Ils se regardèrent longtemps. Puis ils s’embrassèrent très fort.

A woman sitting on top of a donkey near adults and children.

Ilmihi dameerka ahaa iyo hooyadii waa ay wada koreen waxa ayna heleen qaabab badan oo ay ku wada noolaan karaan midba midka kale dhiniciisa. Tartiib tartiib, dhinacyadooda oo dhan, qoysas ayaa bilaabay in ay soo dagaan.

The donkey child and his mother have grown together and found many ways of living side by side. Slowly, all around them, other families have started to settle.

L’enfant-âne et sa mère ont grandi ensemble et ils ont trouvé plusieurs manières de coexister. Lentement, tout autour d’eux, d’autres familles ont commencé à s’installer.

Written by: Lindiwe Matshikiza
Illustrated by: Meghan Judge
Translated by: Anwar Mohamed Dirie
Read by: Ibrahim Ahmed
Language: Somali
Level: Level 3
Source: Donkey Child from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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