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A girl sitting in a tree singing.

Simbegwire Simbegwire Simbegwire

Written by Rukia Nantale

Illustrated by Benjamin Mitchley

Translated by Abdi Muse

Read by Ibrahim Ahmed

Language Somali

Level Level 5

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A girl sitting on a man's lap.

Markay Simbegwire hooyadeed dhimatay waxay ahayd mid aad u murugaysan. Simbegwire aabaheed waxuu sameeyay sida ugu fiican oo daryeelka gabadhiisa. Si tartiib ah waxay barteen in ay darreemaan farxad markale, la aanta simbegwire hooyadeed. Subax kasta waa ay fadhiistan kana wada hadli jireen wax ku saabsan malinta ka horayso. Fiid kasto waxay wada samayn jirreen cashada. Kadib waa ay dhaqaan maacuunta, aabaha Simbegwire waxuu ka caawin jiray shaqada guriga.

When Simbegwire’s mother died, she was very sad. Simbegwire’s father did his best to take care of his daughter. Slowly, they learned to feel happy again, without Simbegwire’s mother. Every morning they sat and talked about the day ahead. Every evening they made dinner together. After they washed the dishes, Simbegwire’s father helped her with homework.

Quand la mère de Simbegwire décéda, Simbegwire fut très triste. Son père essaya de son mieux de prendre soin de sa fille. Lentement, ils apprirent comment se sentir heureux de nouveau, sans la mère de Simbegwire. Chaque matin, ils s’asseyaient et discutaient de la journée à venir. Chaque soir, ils cuisinaient le souper ensemble. Après avoir lavé la vaisselle, le père de Simbegwire l’aidait avec ses devoirs.

A girl looking at a man holding hands with a woman.

Halmaalin aabihii Simbegwire waxuu yimid guriga si kadib dhacsan sidii caadada u ahayd. “Xagee baad joogtaa ilmahayga” wuu u wacay. Simbegwire waxa ay ku oraday aabaheed. Waa ay istagtay si dhaqaaq la’aan ah markay aragtay in uu haysto gacanta haweeney. “Waxaan rabaa in aad lakulanto qof khaas ah, ilmahaygow. Tani waa Aniita,” ayuu yidhi asagoo dhoolacadaynayo.

One day, Simbegwire’s father came home later than usual. “Where are you my child?” he called. Simbegwire ran to her father. She stopped still when she saw that he was holding a woman’s hand. “I want you to meet someone special, my child. This is Anita,” he said smiling.

Un jour, le père de Simbegwire retourna chez eux plus tard que d’habitude. « Où es-tu mon enfant ? » demanda-t-il. Simbegwire se précipita vers son père. Elle s’arrêta en chemin quand elle vit qu’il tenait la main d’une femme. « Je veux te présenter quelqu’un de spécial, mon enfant. Voici Anita, » dit-il en souriant.

A girl looking at a woman holding hands with a man.

“Halloo Simbegwire, aabahaa aya ii sheegay waxyaabo badan oo kugu saabsan.” Ayay tidhii Anita. Laakiin ma aynan dhoolacadaynin mana ay qaadin gacanta gabadha. Simbegwire aabaheed waxuu ahaa mid aad u faraxsan oo xiiseynaya. Waxuu ka hadlay sida sedexdooda ay u wada noolaan doonan, iyo sida wanaagsanaan ay noloshooda ahaan doonto. “Ilmahayga, waxaan rajaynayaa in aad aqbali doonto Anita sidii hooyadaa o kale,” ayuu yidhi.

“Hello Simbegwire, your father told me a lot about you,” said Anita. But she did not smile or take the girl’s hand. Simbegwire’s father was happy and excited. He talked about the three of them living together, and how good their life would be. “My child, I hope you will accept Anita as your mother,” he said.

« Bonjour Simbegwire, ton père m’a beaucoup parlé de toi, » dit Anita. Mais elle ne sourit pas et ne serra pas la main de la fille. Le père de Simbegwire était content et excité. Il dit qu’ils allaient vivre ensemble tous les trois et qu’ils auraient une bonne vie. « Mon enfant, j’espère que tu accepteras Anita comme ta mère, » dit-il.

A sad-looking girl in bed cuddling up to a blanket.

Nolosha Simbegwire way isbadashay. Dambe uma aysan hellin waqti si ay arroorti ula fadhiisato aabaheed. Anita ayaa siisay shaqooyin badan oo guriga kamid ah, taas oo ka dhigtay mid aad uga daallisa ka shaqaynta shaqada iskuulka xilliga fidkii. Waxay si toos ah u aaday sarriirta cashada kadib. Raaxada kali ah ay haysatay waxuu aha bustihii midabaysnaa ooy hooyadeed siissay. Simbegwire aabaheed uma uusan muuqan mid ogaaday in gabadhiisa aysan faraxsanayn.

Simbegwire’s life changed. She no longer had time to sit with her father in the mornings. Anita gave her so many household chores that she was too tired to do her school work in the evenings. She went straight to bed after dinner. Her only comfort was the colourful blanket her mother gave her. Simbegwire’s father did not seem to notice that his daughter was unhappy.

La vie de Simbegwire changea. Elle n’avait plus le temps de s’asseoir avec son père le matin. Anita lui donnait tellement de tâches ménagères qu’elle était trop fatiguée pour faire ses devoirs le soir. Elle allait directement se coucher après le souper. Son seul confort était la couverture colorée que sa mère lui avait faite. Le père de Simbegwire ne semblait pas remarquer que sa fille était malheureuse.

A sad-looking girl and woman waving to a man leaving home.

Dhowr bilood ka dib, Simbegwire aabaheed ayaa u sheegay ayaga in uu ahaan doono mid ka maqan guriga cabaar. “Waa inaan u safraa shaqadeyda,” ayuu yiri. “Laakiin waan ogahay in aad is illaalin doontaan.” Wajiga Simbegwire ayaa qushuucay, laakiin aabaheed ma ogaanin. Anita ma sheegin waxbo. Mana aysan faraxsaneyn.

After a few months, Simbegwire’s father told them that he would be away from home for a while. “I have to travel for my job,” he said. “But I know you will look after each other.” Simbegwire’s face fell, but her father did not notice. Anita did not say anything. She was not happy either.

Après quelques mois, le père de Simbegwire annonça qu’il serait parti pour un certain temps. « Je dois voyager pour mon travail, » dit-il. « Mais je sais que vous allez vous occuper l’une de l’autre. » Le visage de Simbegwire s’allongea, mais son père ne le remarqua pas. Anita ne dit rien. Elle n’était pas contente non plus.

A woman holding a stick pointing at a frightened-looking girl.

Arrimaha way ku sii xumaadeen Simbegwire. Hadaysan dhamaynin shaqada ama aay cabato, Anita ayaa kudhufan. Xilliga cashada, haweenayda aya cuntay inta badan cuntada, ayadoo ureebayso Simbegwire waxyaabaha haraaga ah. Habbeen kasto Simbegwire ooyinta ayay ku seexan jirtay, ayaddoo bustihii hooyadeed hab siineyso.

Things got worse for Simbegwire. If she didn’t finish her chores, or she complained, Anita hit her. And at dinner, the woman ate most of the food, leaving Simbegwire with only a few scraps. Each night Simbegwire cried herself to sleep, hugging her mother’s blanket.

Les choses s’empirèrent pour Simbegwire. Si elle ne terminait pas ses tâches, ou si elle se plaignait, Anita la frappait. Et pendant le souper, la femme mangeait la plupart de la nourriture, laissant Simbegwire avec peu de restes. Chaque nuit Simbegwire s’endormait en pleurant, embrassant la couverture de sa mère.

A woman pointing at a girl kneeling on the floor holding a blanket.

Hal subax, Simbegwire ayaa ku daahday kasoo kiicida sariirta. “Gabadhaadan caajislayda ah!” Anita ku dhawaaqday. Waxaay simbegwire kasoo jiiday sariirtii. Bustihii qaaliga ahaa waxaa qabsaday musbaar, labo ayuu na u kala jeexay.

One morning, Simbegwire was late getting out of bed. “You lazy girl!” Anita shouted. She pulled Simbegwire out of bed. The precious blanket caught on a nail, and tore in two.

Un matin, Simbegwire se leva en retard. « Paresseuse ! » cria Anita. Elle tira Simbegwire de son lit. La couverture précieuse resta accrochée sur un clou et se déchira en deux.

A sad-looking girl walking carrying a bag.

Simbegwire aad bay u xanaaqday. Waxay go’aansatay inay ka cararto guriga. Waxay qaadatay gogi’ii bustaha hooyadeed, waxay xiratay xogaa cunto ah, waxayna ka tagtay guriga. Waxay raacday wadadii aabaheed maray.

Simbegwire was very upset. She decided to run away from home. She took the pieces of her mother’s blanket, packed some food, and left the house. She followed the road her father had taken.

Simbegwire était très bouleversée. Elle décida de se sauver de chez elle. Elle prit les morceaux de couverture de sa mère, emporta de la nourriture et quitta la maison. Elle suivit le chemin que son père avait pris.

A girl sitting in a tree singing.

Markii ay fiidkii tahay, waxay kortay geed dheer oo u dhow dooxada waxayna nafteeda sariir uga samaysay laamaha. Sidaasey u seexatay, way heestay: “Hooyo, Hooyo, Hooyo, waad iga tagtay, waad iga tagtay oo mana aadan soo laaban, Aabbo ima jeclo. Hooyo,goormad dib u soo noqon, waad iga tagtay.”

When it came to evening, she climbed a tall tree near a stream and made a bed for herself in the branches. As she went to sleep, she sang: “Maama, maama, maama, you left me. You left me and never came back. Father doesn’t love me anymore. Mother, when are you coming back? You left me.”

Quand le soir arriva, elle grimpa dans un arbre près d’un ruisseau et se fit un lit dans les branches. En s’endormant, elle chanta, « Maman, maman, maman, tu m’as quittée. Tu m’as quittée et tu n’es jamais revenue. Papa ne m’aime plus. Maman, quand reviens-tu ? Tu m’as quittée. »

A girl sitting in a tree singing and a woman and a girl nearby listening.

Subbaxdii xigtay, Simbegwire waxay heetsay heesti markale. Markay dumarku yimaadeen dooxada si ay ugu dhaqdaan dharkooda, waxay maqleen hees murugo ah oo ka imaanayso geedka dheer. Waxay u maleeyeen in ay ahayd dabeysha oo kaliya oo lulaayso caleemaha, waxayna sii wateen shaqadoodi. Laakiin mid ka mid ah haweenka ayaa si taxaddar leh u dhegaystay heesta.

The next morning, Simbegwire sang the song again. When the women came to wash their clothes at the stream, they heard the sad song coming from the tall tree. They thought it was only the wind rustling the leaves, and carried on with their work. But one of the women listened very carefully to the song.

Le lendemain matin, Simbegwire chanta encore la chanson. Quand les femmes arrivèrent au ruisseau pour laver leur linge, elles entendirent la chanson triste qui venait du grand arbre. Elles pensaient que c’était seulement le bruissement des feuilles et continuèrent leur travail. Mais une des femmes écouta la chanson attentivement.

A woman kneeling hugging a little girl.

Naagtan waxay kor u eegtey geedkii gudihiisa. Markay aragtay gabadha iyo gogi’i bustaha midabka leh, waxay ku ooyday “Simbegwire, ilmihii walaalkay!” Dumarkii kale waxay joojiyeen dhaqistii waxayna caawiyeen Simbegwire si ay uga soo dagato geedka. Eedadeed ayaa hab siisay gabadhii yarayd, waxayna isku dayday inay dajiso.

This woman looked up into the tree. When she saw the girl and the pieces of colourful blanket, she cried, “Simbegwire, my brother’s child!” The other women stopped washing and helped Simbegwire to climb down from the tree. Her aunt hugged the little girl and tried to comfort her.

Cette femme jeta un coup d’œil dans l’arbre. Quand elle vit la fille et les morceaux de couverture colorés, elle cria, « Simbegwire, l’enfant de mon frère ! » Les autres femmes s’arrêtèrent de laver et aidèrent Simbegwire à descendre de l’arbre. Sa tante l’embrassa et essaya de la réconforter.

A girl in bed cuddling up to a blanket.

Simbegwire eedadeed ayaa u qaaday ilmihi gurigeeda. Waxay siisay simbegwire cunto diiran, waxa ayna ku jiifisay sariir ayadoo haysata bustihii hooyadeeda. Habeenkaas, Simbegwire waa ay ooyday sideey ugu seexatay sariirta. Laakiin waxa ay ahayd ilin farxadeed. Waxay ogaatay in eedadeed illaalin doonto ayada.

Simbegwire’s aunt took the child to her own house. She gave Simbegwire warm food, and tucked her in bed with her mother’s blanket. That night, Simbegwire cried as she went to sleep. But they were tears of relief. She knew her aunt would look after her.

La tante de Simbegwire l’emmena chez elle. Elle donna à Simbegwire un repas chaud et la borda dans son lit avec la couverture de sa mère. Ce soir-là, Simbegwire s’endormit en pleurant. Mais ses larmes étaient des larmes de joie. Elle savait que sa tante prendrait soin d’elle.

An empty room.

Markii Simbegwire aabaheed ku soo laabtay guriga, wuxuu arkay qolkeedii oo madhan. “Maxaa dhacay, Anita?” wuxuu u waydiiyay si adag. Haweenaydi waxay u sharaxday in Simbegwire ay carrartay. “Waxaan rabay in ay i ixtiraamto,” ayay tidhi. “Laakiin malaha waxaan ahaa mid aad ugu ad adag.” Simbegwire aabaheed ayaa ka tagay guriga waxuuna aaday jahadii dooxada. Wuxuu socday illaa iyo tuuladii walaashii bal si uu u ogaado haddii ay aragtay Simbegwire

When Simbegwire’s father returned home, he found her room empty. “What happened, Anita?” he asked with a heavy heart. The woman explained that Simbegwire had run away. “I wanted her to respect me,” she said. “But perhaps I was too strict.” Simbegwire’s father left the house and went in the direction of the stream. He continued to his sister’s village to find out if she had seen Simbegwire.

Quand le père de Simbegwire rentra chez lui, il trouva la chambre de sa fille vide. « Qu’est-ce qui est arrivé, Anita ? » demanda-t-il, le cœur gros. La femme expliqua que Simbegwire s’était sauvée. « Je voulais qu’elle me respecte, » dit-elle. « Mais j’ai peut-être été trop sévère. » Le père de Simbegwire quitta la maison et se dirigea dans la direction du ruisseau. Il se rendit au village de sa sœur pour découvrir si elle avait vu Simbegwire.

A man kneeling down talking to a girl.

Simbegwire waxay la ciyaaraysay ilma eedadeed markii ay ka aragtay aabaheed meel fog. Waxay ka cabsatay inuu xanaaqsanyahay, sidaa darteed waxay ku oraday guriga dhexdiisa si ay isku qariso. Laakiin aabbeheed baa u yimid waxuuna ku yidhi, “Simbegwire, waxaad u heshay naftaada hooyo kaamil ah. Taasoo ku jecel kuna fahmayso. Waan kugu faanaa waana ku jeclahay.” Waxay ku heshiiyeen in Simbegwire ay la joogi doonto eedadeed inta ay rabto.

Simbegwire was playing with her cousins when she saw her father from far away. She was scared he might be angry, so she ran inside the house to hide. But her father went to her and said, “Simbegwire, you have found a perfect mother for yourself. One who loves you and understands you. I am proud of you and I love you.” They agreed that Simbegwire would stay with her aunt as long as she wanted to.

Simbegwire jouait avec ses cousins quand elle vit son père de loin. Elle avait peur qu’il soit peut-être fâché, alors elle se précipita à l’intérieur de la maison pour se cacher. Mais son père vint la voir et lui dit, « Simbegwire, tu t’es trouvé une mère parfaite. Une mère qui t’aime et te comprend. Je suis fier de toi et je t’aime. » Ils se mirent d’accord que Simbegwire resterait avec sa tante aussi longtemps qu’elle le voudrait.

A woman kneeling hugging a girl.

Aabaheed ayaa maalin walba soo booqan jiray. Ugu dambeyntii, wuxuu la yimid Anita. Waxay laacday Simbegwire gacanteedi. “Aad ayaan uga xumahay yariisey, waan qaldamay,” ayay ku ooyday. “Ma ii ogolaaneysaa in aan mar kale isku daydo?” Simbegwire waxay eegtay aabaheed iyo wajigiisa welwelsan. Kadibna si tartiib ah ayay horay u socotay waxayna gacmaheeda ku wareejisay Anita.

Her father visited her every day. Eventually, he came with Anita. She reached out for Simbegwire’s hand. “I’m so sorry little one, I was wrong,” she cried. “Will you let me try again?” Simbegwire looked at her father and his worried face. Then she stepped forward slowly and put her arms around Anita.

Son père lui rendit visite chaque jour. Finalement, il vint avec Anita. Elle tendit la main vers celle de Simbegwire. « Je suis tellement désolée, petite, j’ai eu tort, » sansanglota-t-elle. « Me laisseras-tu essayer de nouveau ? » Simbegwire examina son père et son regard inquiet. Puis elle fit lentement un pas en avant et mit ses bras autour d’Anita.

A family standing around a table full of food smiling.

Toddobaadkii kuxigay, Anita ayaa ku martiqaaday Simbegwire, ilmo eedadeed iyo eedadeed ba guriga iyo cunto. Maxay cunto ahayd! Anita waxay diyaarisay dhamaan cuntooyinki ay ugu jeclayd Simbegwire, qof kastana wuu cunay ilaa ay ka dhargaan. Kadibna carruurtu waa ay ciyaarayeen halka dadka waawayna sheekaysteen. Simbegwire waxay dareentay farxad iyo geesinimo. Waxay go’aansatay in si dhakhso, oo dhakhso ah, ay ku noqon doonto guriga si ay ula noolaato aabaheed iyo eedadeed/aayadeed.

The next week, Anita invited Simbegwire, with her cousins and aunt, to the house for a meal. What a feast! Anita prepared all of Simbegwire’s favourite foods, and everyone ate until they were full. Then the children played while the adults talked. Simbegwire felt happy and brave. She decided that soon, very soon, she would return home to live with her father and her stepmother.

La semaine suivante, Anita invita Simbegwire, ainsi que ses cousins et sa tante, chez elle pour un repas. Quel festin ! Anita prépara tous les plats favoris de Simbegwire et tous mangèrent jusqu’à temps qu’ils soient repus. Ensuite, les enfants jouèrent tandis que les adultes parlaient. Simbegwire se sentait contente et courageuse. Elle décida que bientôt, très bientôt, elle retournerait chez elle pour vivre avec son père et sa belle-mère.

Written by: Rukia Nantale
Illustrated by: Benjamin Mitchley
Translated by: Abdi Muse
Read by: Ibrahim Ahmed
Language: Somali
Level: Level 5
Source: Simbegwire from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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