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A boy sitting on a chair reading a book.

Eu gosto de ler I like to read! J'aime lire

Written by Letta Machoga

Illustrated by Wiehan de Jager

Translated by Translators without Borders, Marcella Selwyn, Priscilla Freitas de Oliveira

Read by Alfredo Ferreira

Language Portuguese

Level Level 1

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A boy sitting on a chair reading a book.

Eu gosto de ler.

I like to read.

J’aime lire.

A boy holding a book standing in the doorway of a bedroom.

Para quem eu posso ler?

Who can I read to?

À qui puis-je faire la lecture ?

A boy holding a book looking at a baby sleeping in a cot.

Minha irmã está dormindo.

My sister is asleep.

Ma sœur est en train de dormir.

A boy holding a book walking in a hallway.

Para quem eu posso ler?

Who can I read to?

À qui puis-je faire la lecture ?

A boy holding a book and two women cooking in a kitchen.

Minha mãe e minha avó estão ocupadas.

My mother and grandmother are busy.

Ma mère et ma grand-mère sont occupées.

A boy holding a book thinking about two men.

Para quem eu posso ler?

Who can I read to?

À qui puis-je faire la lecture ?

A boy holding a book and two men working on a car.

Meu pai e meu avô estão ocupados.

My father and grandfather are busy.

Mon père et mon grand-père sont occupés.

A happy-looking boy reading in bed.

Para quem eu posso ler? Posso ler para mim mesmo!

Who can I read to? I can read to myself!

À qui puis-je faire la lecture ? Je peux me faire la lecture à moi-même !

Written by: Letta Machoga
Illustrated by: Wiehan de Jager
Translated by: Translators without Borders, Marcella Selwyn, Priscilla Freitas de Oliveira
Read by: Alfredo Ferreira
Language: Portuguese
Level: Level 1
Source: I like to read from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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