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A girl and a woman in a field and a zebra and a giraffe nearby.

작은 씨앗: 완가리 마타이의 이야기 A Tiny Seed: The Story of Wangari Maathai Une petite graine : l'histoire de Wangari Maathai

Written by Nicola Rijsdijk

Illustrated by Maya Marshak

Translated by Michelle Kim

Read by Scarlet Kim

Language Korean

Level Level 3

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A girl and a woman in a field and a zebra and a giraffe nearby.

동아프리가 케냐산 비탈에 있는 마을에서 한 소녀가 엄마와 밭에서 일했습니다. 소녀의 이름은 완가리였어요.

In a village on the slopes of Mount Kenya in East Africa, a little girl worked in the fields with her mother. Her name was Wangari.

Dans un village situé sur les flancs du Mont Kenya en Afrique de l’Est, une petite fille travaillait dans les champs avec sa mère. Son nom était Wangari.

A girl scattering seeds in a food garden.

완가리는 밖에 있는 것을 좋아했어요. 완가리는 가족 텃밭에서 씨앗을 심기 위해 칼로 흙을 파고 작은 씨앗들을 따뜻한 땅에 심었어요.

Wangari loved being outside. In her family’s food garden she broke up the soil with her machete. She pressed tiny seeds into the warm earth.

Wangari aimait beaucoup être dehors. Dans le potager de sa famille, elle faisait des trous dans le sol avec sa machette. Elle enfouissait des petites graines dans la terre chaude.

A girl standing in a field at sunset.

완가리가 제일 좋아하는 때는 해가 진 직후 였어요. 밖이 너무 어두워져서 식물들을 더 이상 볼수 없게 되었을 때, 완가리는 집에 갈 시간이 되었다는걸 알았어요. 그녀는 강을 건너가며 밭 사이로 난 좁은 길을 따라 걸었어요.

Her favourite time of day was just after sunset. When it got too dark to see the plants, Wangari knew it was time to go home. She would follow the narrow paths through the fields, crossing rivers as she went.

Son moment préféré de la journée était juste après le coucher du soleil. Quand il faisait trop nuit pour voir les plantes, Wangari savait qu’il était l’heure de rentrer à la maison. Pour rentrer, elle devait suivre des sentiers étroits à travers champs et traverser des rivières.

A girl and a boy holding hands in a field.

완가리는 영리한 아이였고 학교를 빨리 다니고 싶었어요. 하지만 엄마 아빠는 완가리가 집에서 그들을 도와주길 원했어요. 완가리가 7살이 되었을 때, 오빠는 완가리를 학교에 보내 달라고 부모님을 설득했어요.

Wangari was a clever child and couldn’t wait to go to school. But her mother and father wanted her to stay and help them at home. When she was seven years old, her big brother persuaded her parents to let her go to school.

Wangari était une enfant intelligente et avait hâte d’aller à l’école. Mais sa mère et son père voulaient qu’elle reste à la maison pour les aider. Quand elle eut sept ans, son grand frère persuada ses parents de la laisser aller à l’école.

A book open to a map of the world and a pencil.

완가리는 배우는걸 좋아했어요! 책 한권을 읽을 때마다 점점 더 많이 배웠어요. 그녀는 공부를 정말 잘해서 미국에서 공부하라고 초청까지 받았어요. 완가리는 너무 신이났어요! 그녀는 세계에 대해 더 알고 싶었어요.

She liked to learn! Wangari learnt more and more with every book she read. She did so well at school that she was invited to study in the United States of America. Wangari was excited! She wanted to know more about the world.

Elle aimait apprendre ! Wangari apprenait de plus en plus avec chaque livre qu’elle lisait. Elle travaillait si bien à l’école qu’elle fut invitée à étudier aux Etats Unis d’Amérique. Wangari était enthousiaste ! Elle voulait en savoir plus sur le monde.

A magnifying glass and a flower.

미국 대학에서 완가리는 새로운 것을 많이 배웠어요. 그녀는 식물에 관한 공부와 식물들이 어떻게 자라는지 배웠어요. 그리고 완가리는 자기가 어떻게 자라왔는지 기억했어요: 아름다운 케냐 숲속 나무 그늘에서 오빠들과 게임을 하며 놀았던것을.

At the American university Wangari learnt many new things. She studied plants and how they grow. And she remembered how she grew: playing games with her brothers in the shade of the trees in the beautiful Kenyan forests.

A l’université américaine, Wangari apprit beaucoup de choses nouvelles. Elle étudia les plantes et la manière dont elles grandissent. Et elle se rappela comment elle avait grandi : en jouant avec ses frères à l’ombre des arbres dans les magnifiques forêts du Kenya.

A girl sitting reading thinking of home.

완가리는 새로운 것을 배우면 배울수록, 케냐 사람들을 사랑한다는것을 깨달았어요. 그녀는 그들이 행복하고 자유로워졌으면 했어요. 지식이 늘어갈수록 완가리는 아프리카 집이 계속 떠올랐어요.

The more she learnt, the more she realised that she loved the people of Kenya. She wanted them to be happy and free. The more she learnt, the more she remembered her African home.

Plus elle apprenait, plus elle réalisait qu’elle aimait les habitants du Kenya. Elle voulait qu’ils soient heureux et libres. Plus elle apprenait, plus elle se rappelait son foyer africain.

A gazelle.

그녀는 공부가 끝났을 때, 케냐로 돌아갔어요. 하지만 케냐는 많이 변했어요. 큰 농장이 땅을 가로질러 뻗어 있었어요. 숲과 나무들이 더 이상 없었기에 주부들은 요리하는 불을 만들 나무도 없었어요. 사람들은 가난했고 아이들은 배고팠어요.

When she had finished her studies, she returned to Kenya. But her country had changed. Huge farms stretched across the land. Women had no wood to make cooking fires. The people were poor and the children were hungry.

Quand elle eut terminé ses études, elle retourna au Kenya. Mais son pays avait changé. De larges fermes s’étendaient à travers la campagne. Les femmes n’avaient plus de bois pour cuire les aliments. Les gens étaient pauvres et les enfants avaient toujours faim.

Two women planting trees.

완가리는 어떻게 해결할지 알았어요. 그녀는 여성들에게 씨앗으로 나무를 심는 법을 가르쳐 줬어요. 그들은 나무들을 팔고 난 돈으로 가정을 보살폈어요. 그들은 아주 행복했어요. 완가리는 그 여성들이 스스로 강인하다고 느끼게 도와줬어요.

Wangari knew what to do. She taught the women how to plant trees from seeds. The women sold the trees and used the money to look after their families. The women were very happy. Wangari had helped them to feel powerful and strong.

Wangari savait ce qu’il fallait faire. Elle apprit aux femmes comment planter des arbres en utilisant des graines. Les femmes vendirent les arbres et utilisèrent l’argent pour faire vivre leurs familles. Les femmes étaient très heureuses. Wangari les avait aidées à se sentir puissantes et fortes.

A variety of trees.

시간이 지나서 그 나무들은 자라서 숲이 되었고, 강이 다시 흐르기 시작 했어요. 완가리의 가르침이 전 아프리카로 퍼졌어요. 오늘날, 수만개의 나무들이 완가리의 씨앗으로 인해 자랐어요.

As time passed, the new trees grew into forests, and the rivers started flowing again. Wangari’s message spread across Africa. Today, millions of trees have grown from Wangari’s seeds.

Avec le temps, les nouveaux arbres se transformèrent en forêts, et les rivières recommencèrent à couler. Le message de Wangari traversa toute l’Afrique. Aujourd’hui des millions d’arbres ont grandi grâce aux graines de Wangari.

A woman surrounded by trees.

완가리는 열심히 일했어요. 전세계 사람들이 완가리를 알아보기 시작했고, 아주 유명한 상을 줬어요. 그 상은 바로 노벨 평화상이였죠. 완가리는 아프리카 여성으로서 처음으로 그 상을 받는 거였어요.

Wangari had worked hard. People all over the world took notice, and gave her a famous prize. It is called the Nobel Peace Prize, and she was the first African woman ever to receive it.

Wangari avait travaillé dur. Partout dans le monde, les gens s’en aperçurent et lui donnèrent un prix renommé. Il s’appelle le Prix Nobel de la Paix et elle fut la première femme africaine à le recevoir.

A butterfly flying near a beautiful tree.

완가리는 2011년도에 세상을 떠났어요. 하지만 우리는 아름다운 나무를 볼 때마다 그녀를 떠올릴 수 있어요.

Wangari died in 2011, but we can think of her every time we see a beautiful tree.

Wangari mourut en 2011 mais nous pensons à elle à chaque fois que nous voyons un bel arbre.

Written by: Nicola Rijsdijk
Illustrated by: Maya Marshak
Translated by: Michelle Kim
Read by: Scarlet Kim
Language: Korean
Level: Level 3
Source: A Tiny Seed: The Story of Wangari Maathai from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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