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A cow, a horse, a pig, a goat and a chicken.

Regardez les animaux Look at the animals Regardez les animaux

Written by Jenny Katz

Illustrated by Sandy Campbell

Translated by Alexandra Danahy

Read by Monique Bournot-Trites

Language French

Level Level 1

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A farmer standing in a farmyard surrounded by animals.

Regardez les animaux.

Look at the animals.

Regardez les animaux.

A cow standing under a tree.

La vache dit, « Meuh. »

The cow says, “Moo.”

La vache dit, « Meuh. »

A goat drinking water from a bucket.

La chèvre dit, « Bêê, bêê. »

The goat says, “Meh, meh.”

La chèvre dit, « Bêê, bêê. »

A horse standing under a tree.

Le cheval dit, « Hiiii. »

The horse says, “Neigh.”

Le cheval dit, « Hiiii. »

A pig in a sty.

Le cochon dit, « Groin, groin. »

The pig says, “Grunt.”

Le cochon dit, « Groin, groin. »

A chicken surrounded by chicks.

La poule dit, « Cot-cot. »

The chicken says, “Cluck.”

La poule dit, « Cot-cot. »

A dog barking in a farmyard.

Le chien dit, « Wouf. »

The dog says, “Woof.”

Le chien dit, « Wouf. »

A farmer holding a bucket in each hand surrounded by animals.

Le fermier dit, « Chut ! »

The farmer says, “Shhh!”

Le fermier dit, « Chut ! »

Written by: Jenny Katz
Illustrated by: Sandy Campbell
Translated by: Alexandra Danahy
Read by: Monique Bournot-Trites
Language: French
Level: Level 1
Source: Look at the animals from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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