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A boy kicking a football.

Mi cuerpo My body Mon corps

Written by Clare Verbeek, Thembani Dladla, Zanele Buthelezi

Illustrated by Mlungisi Dlamini, Ingrid Schechter

Translated by Karina Vásquez

Read by Áurea Vericat

Language Spanish

Level Level 1

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A boy running.

Con él puedo correr.

I can run with it.

Je peux courir avec.

A girl jumping.

Con él puedo brincar.

I can jump with it.

Je peux sauter avec.

A boy dancing.

Con él puedo bailar.

I can dance with it.

Je peux danser avec.

A boy swimming in a paddling pool.

Con él puedo nadar.

I can swim with it.

Je peux nager avec.

A girl skipping with a rope.

Con él puedo saltar.

I can skip with it.

Je peux sauter à la corde sauter avec.

A boy kicking a football.

Con él puedo patear.

I can kick with it.

Je peux donner un coup de pied avec.

A boy running.

Con él puedo escapar.

I can escape with it.

Je peux m’échapper avec.

A boy looking up at a bird flying.

Pero con él, nunca podré volar.

But I can never fly with it.

Mais je ne peux jamais voler avec.

Written by: Clare Verbeek, Thembani Dladla, Zanele Buthelezi
Illustrated by: Mlungisi Dlamini, Ingrid Schechter
Translated by: Karina Vásquez
Read by: Áurea Vericat
Language: Spanish
Level: Level 1
Source: My body from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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