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A girl talking with a soccer coach.

አንዲስዋ የእግር ኳስ ኮከቧ Andiswa Soccer Star Andiswa star du football

Written by Eden Daniels

Illustrated by Eden Daniels

Translated by Dawit Girma

Read by Abenezer Chane

Language Amharic

Level Level 2

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A girl watching boys play soccer.

አንዲስዋ ወንዶች ልጆች ኳስ ሲጫወቱ እየተመለከተች ነው። ከልጆቹ ጋር ተቀላቅላ መጫወት ፈለገች። አሰልጣኙንም ከልጆቹ ጋር እግር ኳስ ልምምድ መስራት ትችል እንደሆነ ጠየቀችው።

Andiswa watched the boys play soccer. She wished that she could join them. She asked the coach if she can practise with them.

Andiswa regardait les garçons jouer au football. Elle souhaitait pouvoir se joindre à eux. Elle demanda si elle pouvait pratiquer avec eux.

A girl talking with a soccer coach.

አሰልጣኙ እጆቹን ወገቡ ላይ አደረገ። ‹‹በዚህ ት/ቤት ወንድ ልጆች ብቻ ናቸው እንዲጫወቱ የተፈቀደላቸው፣›› አለ።

The coach put his hands on his hips. “At this school, only boys are allowed to play soccer,” he said.

L’entraîneur mit ses mains sur ses hanches. « À cette école, seulement les garçons ont le droit de jouer au football, » lui dit-il.

An upset girl standing in front of a soccer coach and some boys telling her to go away.

ልጆቹ ሄዳ ‹‹ኔት ቦል›› እንድትጫወት ነገሯት። እነሱም ለሴት ‹‹ኔት ቦል›› እንደሆነ፣ እግር ኳስ ግን ለወንድ ልጆች እንደሆነ ነገሯት። አንዲስዋ ተናደደች።

The boys told her to go play netball. They said that netball is for girls and soccer is for boys. Andiswa was upset.

Les garçons aussi lui ont dit d’aller jouer au netball. Ils ont dit que le netball est pour les filles et que le football est pour les garçons. Andiswa était fâchée.

A soccer coach and boys in soccer shirts looking upset.

በሚቀጥለው ቀን ት/ቤቱ ታላቅ የአግር ኳስ ግጥሚያ ነበረበት። አሰልጣኙ በጣም ተጨንቋል፤። ምክንያቱም የቡድኑ ወሳኝ ተጫዋች በህመም ምክንያት መጫወት ባለመቻሉ ነበር።

The next day, the school had a big soccer match. The coach was worried because his best player was sick and could not play.

Le lendemain, l’école avait un grand match de football. L’entraîneur était inquiet parce que son meilleur joueur était malade et ne pouvait pas jouer.

A girl talking with a soccer coach.

አንዲስዋ ወደ አሰልጣኙ እየሮጠች ሄዳ እንድትጫወት እንዲፈቅድላት ለመነችው። አሰልጣኙ ምን ማድረግ እንዳለበት ግራ ገባው። ከዚያም አንዲስዋ ቡድኑን እንድትቀላቀል ፈቀደላት።

Andiswa ran to the coach and begged him to let her to play. The coach was not sure what to do. Then he decided that Andiswa could join the team.

Andiswa courut vers l’entraîneur et le supplia de la laisser jouer. L’entraîneur ne savait pas quoi faire. Finalement, il décida de laisser Andiswa se joindre à l’équipe.

A girl and boys playing soccer.

ጨዋታው በጣም ፈታኝ ነበር። በመጀመሪያው ግማሽ የጨዋታው ክፍለ ጊዜ ማንም ጎል ሊያስቆጥር አልቻለም።

The game was tough. Nobody had scored a goal by half time.

Le match fut difficile. À la mi-temps, personne n’avait encore compté de but.

A girl and boys playing soccer.

በሁለተኛው አጋማሽ የጨዋታው ጊዜ፤ ከልጆቹ መካከል አንዱ ኳስ ለአንዲስዋ አቀበላት። ኳሱን በፍጥነት ወደ ጎል እያንከባለለች ሄደች። ከዚያም ኳሱን በኃይል አክርራ መታችውና ጎል አስቆተረች።

During the second half of the match one of the boys passed the ball to Andiswa. She moved very fast towards the goal post. She kicked the ball hard and scored a goal.

Pendant la deuxième période du match, un des garçons passa le ballon à Andiswa. Elle se déplaça très rapidement vers le poteau du but. Elle shoota dans le ballon fort et compta un but.

Girls and boys cheering with their arms in the air.

ተመልካቹ በደስታ አበደ። ከዚያ ቀን ጀምሮ ሴቶችም በት/ቤቱ ኳስ እንዲጫወቱ ተፈቀደላቸው።

The crowd went wild with joy. Since that day, girls were also allowed to play soccer at the school.

La foule devint folle de joie. Depuis ce jour, les filles ont le droit de jouer au football à l’école.

Written by: Eden Daniels
Illustrated by: Eden Daniels
Translated by: Dawit Girma
Read by: Abenezer Chane
Language: Amharic
Level: Level 2
Source: Andiswa Soccer Star from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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